Fidel Castro, InFidel America
Fidel Castro is the most physically fit man on earth, with a life expectancy of 500 years, and the most politically fit man, with a tenure of "god-knows-how-many-more" years. When he was declared ill, and ceded power to his younger brother who is just 76 years old, a few months back, members of the American Optimists' Club, started popping champagne, and the CIA was probably all set for another "bay of pigs" attack, like back in the 60's when they went for power but all they could get was bacon.
Newspapers today, formally revealed the facts about the dossiers of the CIA, that pertain to the 1.5 zillion attempts made by the CIA to assassinate Castro, though the fact is well-known even to 6 year old Elian Gonzalez, and michaelJackson. At the risk of deviating from the topic, I'd like to mention that michael has been "seeing" Elian these days..(did I mention that elian's cute?, which is why the welsh rock band released the "baby elian" song).
Newspapers today, formally revealed the facts about the dossiers of the CIA, that pertain to the 1.5 zillion attempts made by the CIA to assassinate Castro, though the fact is well-known even to 6 year old Elian Gonzalez, and michaelJackson. At the risk of deviating from the topic, I'd like to mention that michael has been "seeing" Elian these days..(did I mention that elian's cute?, which is why the welsh rock band released the "baby elian" song).
Coming back to the topic(if at all u figure out what the topic is), why would america do such controversial covert stuff when its aware what sort of a blame it would get from the public, especially when such operations are done vicariously, the first time, using Cuban-exiles for the guerilla, and later using all sorts of people it could find, including cuban mafia guys, american gangsters, mobsters, bartenders, hair dressersand small time rappers, only to "dispose" them off later.
More of such american stuff released through the purported CIA dossiers reveal the handling of a KGB agent(probably james bond), by the CIA. A little premordially, we have the Abu Ghraib issue, where iraqi prisoners were treated with a scad of love and affection, and were given deferences such as "stripping them naked, peeing on their faces, and allowing play time with voracious german sheperds.... I bet u've seen those cctv pics.
More of such american stuff released through the purported CIA dossiers reveal the handling of a KGB agent(probably james bond), by the CIA. A little premordially, we have the Abu Ghraib issue, where iraqi prisoners were treated with a scad of love and affection, and were given deferences such as "stripping them naked, peeing on their faces, and allowing play time with voracious german sheperds.... I bet u've seen those cctv pics.
Enough slander about InFidel America, coming back to Fidel Castro, he gradually recovered, and has ruined americans' hope of a little more bacon from the bay of pigs. He's living obscurely, but still rulin the country by proxy of his younger bro, Raul. Reports say Castro will rule this way for another 2 decades, then transfer power to (then)96 year old Raul, after which he's planning a south-american cross-continental motorcycle expedition, which would help him write the sequel to Che Guevara's "Motorcycle Diaries", which would be published along with another book, his debut fiction work named "Yeah! Cuba's democratic"